Stále posouváme dopředu náš kopřivový projekt.
Níže předkládám nabídku k nákupu tokenů projektu, resp. nabídku podílu ve společnosti.
V případě jakýchkoliv otázek jsme připraveni pružně reagovat.
Konkrétnější obsah jednotlivých investičních kapitol máme k dispozici.
Do not hesitate to buy 10mil pcs NNIT tokens until 21.12.2021 10mil tokens in prize 0,33 EUR.
---2600000 EUR--- in the first part of the presale round (I/A)
--- 700000 EUR--- in the second part of the presale round (I/B)
Are you willing to stay right here in the gate into 4bill people nettle market?
Do you want to know where the money from the presale phase will go?
We are looking for active investors for our nettle-chain franchise world wide.
We are looking for silent investors for nettle production circle (research - farming - processing - awareness).
-we did 77 food products and agronomical applications which are tested and finalised with the market feed-back since 2018 (research period 2018-2021 included genomic research)
-we are ready to follow up with own parallel research and continue with the existing results
-we are ready to keep spring market (Feb-May) with 20 tons of IQF raw-material (more than 200 tons industrial semiproducts with the retail final product valuation more than 1000000 USD
-we are ready to next harvest 80 tons of raw-material for summer 2022 market (Jun-Sep), winter 2022 market (Oct-Jan) and spring 2023 market
-we are ready to all acquisition showed below
volume I/A 910000 (put on special bank account for research)
presale period 22.9.2021-21.12.2021
realise period 22.9.2021-21.12.2022
Marketing & Sales
volume I/A 460000 + I/B 290000 (put on special bank account for M&S)
presale period 22.9.2021-21.12.2021
realise period 22.9.2021-21.3.2022
Sales, buyout production and refinement
volume I/A 460000 + I/B 365000 (put on special bank account for production chain)
presale period 22.9.2021-21.12.2021
realise period 22.9.2021-21.3.2022
Company growth
volume I/A 460000 + I/B 365000 (put on special bank account for expansion)
presale period 22.9.2021-21.12.2021
realise period 22.9.2021-21.3.2022
needed joint-stock company Nettle Net International - for all acquisitions consolidation,
established in EU, Czech Rep., Olomouc City
You can find our more detailed business-plan business plan here:
A loan in a bank is not sufficient for the necessary flexible expansion and maintaining a leading position in the global nettle market.
Step-by-step co-operation
-answering questions
-schedule setting from "D-Day" to completion of the partial investment milestone
-partnership and trade agreements and contracts, NDA etc. until 21.12.2021
You can't lose your money if you will not lose the spring 2022 with our nettle.
The nettle is well-known world-wide and we are now the nettle leading company.
What guarantees do I have that I will get back the money including interest?
Just be close to us. :)
What are we (Nettle Net International hub) expecting?
Just be close to us. :)
Best wishes, sincerely
The Nettle Net International team
We teach nettle about people....
.... up to the molecular level.