Banana Fish is an adaptation of a manga that follows New York City gang member Ash Lynx as he tries to uncover the secret behind a mysterious drug that might have driven his brother mad. He receives some unexpected help from a Japanese photojournalist, who has arrived in New York City to report on the gangs there.
The original manga is set in the old days, this new adaptation seems like it will be pretty faithful to the original work. The show appears to be in good hands: it's being animated by read manga online which means we can expect a pretty consistent level of expressive animation. Directing is Hiroko Utsumi, who also directed the first two Free! series, and series composition is Hiroshi Seko, who did the same for Ajin and Mob Psycho 100. The series is also set to run for two cours through the fall, which is a big sign of confidence for a series in a time when most shows only run for one.