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How long are Singapore Airlines taking to provide refunds

To know How long are Singapore Airlines refunds take? you can call us and you will have the best assistance to reach the support.

The airline provides various web services to help you access the airline digitally. The airline also delivers help to their lovely passengers where you will get the flight services which includes refreshment and drinks on the flight to get a taste of Singaporean culture. Other than this, the cancellation procedure is very easy and can be performed anytime without any expert guidance.

 The airline provides refunds based on policies that the airline authority has already issued, but the main question is: How do i get refund from Singapore airlinesThe steps below will help you get a refund from the airline. You can redirect yourself to the cancellation page as a refund can be processed once you have canceled your trip.

Singapore airline refund procedure

  • You are required to visit the official web portal of Singapore Airlines.
  • Then click on the manage booking tab that will take you to the booking details page.
  • Fill in your booking reference number and last name.
  • Now the page will show you the list of flights and cancel your suitable flight.

(After confirming the cancellation, you can fill out the request refund form; after that, the airline will mail you a confirmation message on your valid email account)

After the successful refund process, confusion arises in your mind: How long are Singapore Airlines refunds takingThe refund process is set according to the mode of payment you applied while purchasing the ticket. If you have paid through a credit card, the refund will come on your same credit card option. Other than that, if you have been paid with cash or cheque, the airline may take around six weeks to revert you the refund.
